TravelBullz is wholesale booking engine with latest technology platform and user-friendly interface founded in August 2010.
TravelBullz wholesale booking engine has Innovative Technology Platform connecting with more than 2500 travel & tour businesses worldwide to look for competitive prices with availability for instant confirmation of hotels, tours, transfers, apartments and so on.
They offer cutting edge and advanced technology, with more than 150,000 hotels in over 100 nations around the world.
TravelBullz have wide variety of tours, transfers and attractions and also offer 1, 50,000 hotels worldwide. They have large connection in 10 global travel company and channel manager through XML Technology Connection. So it’s beneficial for travel agency to linked with a large assortment of hotels, resorts and more to check functionality and book hotels of their need.
They Develop big TravelBullz Technology marketplace and wide network of B2B Travel Partners across India and hotel partners for business in India, Middle East & China. But it was not easy for them to form this marketplace so they hired Technoheaven's Travel Marketplace. Technoheaven is Travel IT Company and provide best Travel Technology Solution. TravelBullz choose Technoheaven as TravelBullz IT Partner to build strong platform where global travel supplier can sell travel products involving hotels, tours, activities, Excursions, Car transfer, Cruise Rental, holiday packages and more to retail buyers, travel agency.
SO Technoheaven become best IT Partner for TravelBullz because Technoheaven provide reliable and secure travel technology. Well Known Travel Company can access a huge inventory of travel product to search and compare services with requests of an end user with satisfactory prices and builds up a safe installment framework.
With Smart XML Travel Technology Solution, Technoheaven helped TravelBullz to promote business and reach buyers and sellers globe.